Brand New Two-Hour TeleClass
Click the play arrow above to watch a 3 minute web infomercial SAMPLE. Remember, you are ordering the CDs. The live event in the above video is now over.. |
Note: This is a SAMPLE.
The live event I'm talking about in this video is over.
In This 2 CD Set You will learn:
How to shoot simple video clips and get them up on your website all by yourself. . . This costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars to hire out.
How to get broadcast quality productions on the tightest budget possible . . . and even how you can get someone to provide financing for the production. Click here to watch a 28 minute show that in many markets you could show for free.
How you can actually get paid to air your promotional production on TV . . . I know this sounds crazy, but you'll learn exactly how to do it to make yourself a celebrity.
I will progress from grass roots, guerilla, cheap web video to high-end, yet low budget broadcast productions.
We now live in a society where from the time you are a baby you are
surrounded with multimedia sites and sounds.
Many people are almost bragging
about having attention deficit disorder (ADD) and they absolutely will not sit
down and read plain text on your website or anywhere else.
Am I abandoning sales copy? Obviously not because you are reading this,
but I have also provided a video that tells the same story and I will be
producing more and more of them in the future. It's easier and cheaper than ever
to get your message out in a multimedia format. Now is the time to make your
move to higher profits and prestige using video to promote yourself and your
You'll also learn:
How to create a video landing page on a major search engine for Free . . . Search engines are getting heavily into video and they're making it easy for you to participate.
The stuff you need to do basic video editing right on your computer . . . You'll be able to "show" your products and services rather than just "tell" about them.
How to put video on your blog . . . Make your blog way more interesting than just plain text.
All about the inexpensive equipment you need to do your recordings . . . I'll give you the entire range from no budget to big budget.
How to get the best sound quality whenever you record . . . No more garbled and static filled recordings.
I will include a section
that is simply
amazing on using "screen capture video" . . . which can make you a fortune in more ways than
You'll learn:
How I made over a million dollars using screen capture video
. . . I'll tell you the exact techniques you can use during live
speeches . . . on CD-ROM . . . and on your website with this very easy to use software
. . . AND this can be totally put on
SUPER PLUS: You'll learn how some really
cool video software can have you delivering your message standing in front of
the Taj Mahal, or from a fancy office or set that doesn't even
really exist. This part alone will blow you away. (see the
SAMPLE video near the top of this letter where
the camera is flying through the city right through the side of the virtual
office building where I'm sitting. Also see the SAMPLE
near the bottom where the blue set looks like the inside of a computer.)
If you want to learn how to use the latest inexpensive equipment and software to really turn you into a celebrity and showcase your products and services, then this is a recording for you.
Tom is certainly no techie, but with a small amount of training he has been
able to use simple software, equipment and tools to turn himself into a
multi-millionaire and you can too.
I don't know everything about this
. . . just enough to make a fortune. -- Tom Antion |
What's in the 2 CD Set?
Intro to low budget / high return video . . . Tom invites you into his Tiki Bar to get you started.
Problems with doing videos of live seminars . . . When you've got an audience that paid to be there, you'll be prepared for difficulties that arise.
Discussion of how NOT to shoot video pictures . . . you'll never make these common mistakes on your videos.
Equipment needed. . . you'll hear about what to buy and where to buy it.
Cool and super cheap lighting techniques . . . Tom even tells you how to light an entire wall to gorgeous broadcast quality standards with a $10.00 light and a piece of cardboard.
Learn what clothing colors to avoid when you're on video . . . Some colors will totally ruin your production
Results of Tom's first web infomercial promotion . . . $9,000.00 in just a few days.
How you can take $20.00 worth of
information and turn it into a
$500.00 product . . . why reinvent the wheel when you can simply
repackage and reformat your knowledge?
The psychology of video and audio selling . . . Tom reveals certain human shortcomings that make what you'll learn here critical to increased profits for your company.
You'll learn the two file formats that have changed the way business is done on the web . . . They're available to everyone and cost virtually nothing to produce.
What you need to make a simple, yet broadcast quality portable recording studio . . . Tom deciphers the wires, the microphones, and the software you need and Tom actually demanded that he "dumb it down" so anyone can afford it AND understand how to set one up.
All the best software for recording audio and video . . . and the most expensive one is only 99 bucks.
How to make a fortune Interviewing other experts . . . and eliminate the problem of big audio differences between you and the person you are interviewing.
Learn the ins and outs of getting video
testimonials . . . check out two of mine below:
NOTE: Even though I normally wouldn't make the
testimonials on my website this big I wanted you to see the beautiful quality
you can get using our methods. No longer are you limited to tiny little windows
that your web visitor has to have a magnifying glass to see.
Check out a testimonial from Joan Stewart that I'll use on another production |
See Note just above before playing videos.
Where to host your videos for free . . . You don't have to buy expensive server space unless you want to.
The super cheap software that converts regular video to a format usable on a website . . . everyone with any type of computer can watch this video without jumping through hoops.
Uses of online videos . . . from sales to customer service, video is king.
Learn how to use a good microphone and a supercheap video camera to make web infomercials . . . this eliminates the crummy microphone used in most cheap camcorders.
How to use video on membership sites . . . without getting ripped off
The software and type of blog that makes video really easy . . . why fight trying to figure out all the technology? Just use the stuff that's simple.
Learn the differences you'll encounter using DSL vs Cable Modem . . . knowing which one to pick can make a really big difference in the time it takes for you get your video work done.
Tom's favorite wireless microphone . . . this supercheap microphone has been used in millions of dollars of Tom's productions.
How to turn your DVDs into a DVD album that you can sell for hundreds of dollars . . . you get the suppliers and the tricks to make them even one at a time if you are strapped for cash.
How to get FREE and low cost video productions using professionals . . . learn how to structure the deal so that it's enticing for pro video people to help you.
For Speakers: One of the absolute main things you MUST do or you could ruin your demo video . . . leave this out and it will look like you are bombing.
Making joint venture deals on your productions . . . get other people to happily give you their expertise so you can make videos on topics you know nothing about.
Viral Videos . . . you'll find places that will host and give you all the technology to promote your viral videos so they can easily spread like wildfire.
Video Testimonials . . . learn how to get video testimonials even if a person isn't at your live event.
Video Email . . . for certain business purposes video email can make you tons of money. . . and grandma will love it too when you send her live video of the kids that she'll watch with no special downloads.
Even Higher grade video cameras . . . high definition cameras are now available at reasonable prices.
How to do a $30,000.00 production for $2000.00 - $3000.00. . . and it will look like you hired a Hollywood crew to make it.
Where to get tens of thousands of dollars of FREE video footage to edit right into your production . . . the government, both local and national, have footage they'd love for you to use if you just knew where to find it. We show you how to get it.
Tips on looking better on video . . . we won't make you a gorgeous talk show host or handsome news anchor, but we do have a gorgeous talk show host that was in the crowd who will give you a few tips.
Model releases and getting permission to tape someone . . . although we're not attorneys we do have a little discussion on the DVDs of the ways you can stay out of trouble when videotaping.
Discussion of the types of shots you want in your video . . . and the one type of shot you definitely DO NOT want in your video.
How to put yourself in a virtual set as if you
were in a space ship or a gorgeous presentation hall . . . the current
technology is so powerful and so cheap you'll be able to reproduce
enormously expensive productions that would normally take a crew of seasoned
lighting pros to accomplish. Check out the sample below:
Watch Me Appear on this Virtual Set. Click the play arrow to start this short video. |
High end infomercial / simulated talk shows on a low end budget . . . You will see (and you can have one too) a production that would cost you $15,000.00 - $30,000.00 to produce.
4 different ways to use your simulated talk show to make you a celebrity . . . you'll be showing your show to prospective customers the same day you get it.
Cost of running your infomercial on leased access Cable TV . . . You won't believe how inexpensive it can be to run a half-hour show in front of 100,000 people or more . . . sometimes as low as $15.00 for a half hour.
How to get your infomercial to run for FREE . . . there are simple ways to structure your deal so that your entire production runs for free OR you could actually make a few bucks every time your show airs.
Why leased access cable TV people don't like you and how they make it difficult for you Remember the government demands they sell you this time cheaply so they don't really want you . . . we show you how to beat them at their own game
Proper length of your show . . . you do have to meet TV standards and we show you how to do that.
Where you can get a complete professional production in a broadcast studio and have them finance it for you for about $250.00 a month. . . We're talking about a studio where CBS shoots the evening news . . . everything is top notch and the highest quality available.
Publicity . . . you can now put multimedia clips on your online press releases and I can assure you that impresses the TV journalists that see it.
6 Big money uses of Screen Capture software
. . . You will learn how easy it is to stand out from the crowd with the
fantastic videos you can make with no camera, and no lights and no fancy
editing stuff.
-- Sample of one of Tom's Screen Capture training sites
-- Sample of one of Tom's Free Resource / Affiliate sites (requires registration)
How to use other people's videos for FREE to add content to your website . . . portions of your website can be enhanced with other people's video.
How to use other people's videos for FREE to
make complete websites . . . you'll get an example (that anyone could do
to) that is totally made up of other people's video content.
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Tom Antion |
YOUR TeleClass LEADER: The best thing about Tom Antion is that he actually does what he is talking about. He just shot an infomercial and a full length TV Talk show. He has turned part of his office into a TV set and regularly produces DVD products and broadcast tips. Tom has also made a fortune with screen capture video starting way back in the year 2000. Tom is the real thing. No magic. No get rich quick schemes . . . just real world techniques that work for small business.
I have spent thousands of hours developing this material and boiling it down so you can use it immediately. REMEMBER--These guys are not techies. They are businesspeople using technology to bring in the bucks with EXTREMELY LOW OVERHEAD.
To Recap by the end of this 2 CD Set you will know how to:
Put simple video clips on a website.
Purchase simple equipment and software on a tight budget . . . used but great equipment can be had for a fraction of retail price.
Get entire video productions for free . . .The deals are easy to make if you know how.
Play your promotional recordings, infomercials and simulated talk shows on TV for free . . . you'll get paid to become a celebrity.
Do screen capture videos and output them to your website or CD
Do productions where you are on fantastic virtual sets
AND like all my recordings you'll get much, much more.
Only $39.95 for this power packed 2 CD Set
Order right away and you'll immediately download my actual production
notes and all the clickable links mentioned in the Teleclass.
Call 757-431-1366
Fax (757) 431-2050