An Overview
The Associates Program is free to join and you can instantly generate an ongoing stream of income for yourself without any cost or obligation on your part. You simply place a link to us somewhere on your site (text link or banner link) and we reward you by giving you 20% for every Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System and other speaker product sale, and 5% of everything purchased by your sub associates if you choose to invite them to participate in our associates program. We pay 50% for downloadable products and CDs that we produce. We process your check on the 1st of every month for your previous month's sale(s) and mail them out by the 5th.
Customers are asking for more
With thousands of products sold, The Great Speaking Center at
is the definitive source for information on professional level speaking skills
and the business of speaking. Just about every possible speaking and speaker
marketing topic is covered. We are also the number one source in the world
for Internet Marketing products and seminars for the speakers, trainers,
authors, publishers, and coaches,
Some want to learn modern speaking techniques
Some of your website visitors and clients are searching for information on
improving their speaking skills for their own professional development. They wonder what would be a source
for all their speaking performance questions. There aren't many really
professional level sites available on this topic. You show them where to go to invest in their
training and get paid for doing so.
Some of your website visitors are wondering how they can turn their
business expertise into a full or part time business
Many other people that you know or come in contact with either in person or
through your website have salable expertise on various topics. AND studies show
that 7 out of 10 people in the corporate world have thought about, or are
thinking about starting their own business to get out of the proverbial rat
race. These people probably don't even know that there is such a business as
professional speaking. That's where you come in. You show them where to go to
turn their expertise into high fee speaking engagements and training contracts
and you'll be a hero to them and also get a good commission from us.
You're the answer
Whether you're providing information or entertainment, people visit your
website because they respect your expertise and your point of view. They also
come for your help in finding further information, something you probably
provided by adding links to other sites. At The Great Speaking Center, we offer
lots of free tips, techniques and resources for being a great speaker or trainer
and making money at it. The concept behind our webpages is to give away many
tips and be a resource for people interested in advanced speaking skills, or
people who want to make money speaking. Many of the people who visit our site
for the information will also buy one of our products. This is where we (and
you) make money. For every Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System we
sell, we will send you a referral fee of 20% or approximately $79.40, and 20% of
whatever else they buy (50% for downloadable products like E-books and also 50%
for CD products that we produce). If you encourage others to join our associate program, you
will make 5% of everything their visitors sell. It doesn't take long to get
monthly referral checks of $500.00+. Some of the bigger sites (with more visitor
traffic) can easily earn $4000+ per month. Please read the following information
on this page for a more detailed explanation.
Working together makes sense
Customers like visiting The Great Speaking Center at for all the
tips, techniques and resources to market their speaking business effectively and
to increase their speaking skills. We receive 'letters of thanks' all the time.
By linking to us, we provide your visitors with the guidance they want. They also like buying
because the information is available immediately. We usually ship the same day
or the next day after the order and some items can be downloaded immediately.
Through the Associates Program, your insight combined with The Great Speaking Center
service will provide your visitors with valuable access to the information
and services they need.
You have all the fun
You post text links or banner links anywhere on your site where you deem
appropriate. Your website becomes even more attractive and helpful to visitors.
Your new referral service to The Great Speaking Center can be online in a matter
of hours. You simply link to us and you get paid a referral fee for every
product sold.
We do all the work
We take the orders on our website using our proven and secure E-commerce
system. We supply the Home Study Systems, services and other speaking related
materials that your visitors want. We handle all customer questions and
requests, including cancellations and returns. We package and ship everything.
We bill the customer. You simply link to us and you get paid a referral fee for
every product sold.
It's Just as Simple as 1-2-3:
1. Fill out the application form to get assigned a special URL that you can
link to (so we can track your orders).
2. Make a link (or links) from your site to The Great Speaking Center webpage provided to you. (after you apply it's all explained in your Welcome Kit so it is easy for you )
3. Repeat step 2 as desired - you're running the show now.
Step-by-step Instructions:
1. Sign up by reviewing our policy agreement and then filling out a brief, online application form.
2. Decide how you want to incorporate The Great Speaking Center into your website:
You might add a text link to The Great Speaking Center from your main page (we will give you examples to use when you join).
If your site includes articles, reviews or interviews, you might prefer to simply write a review on the different products we provide and let people click on a link that will take them to The Great Speaking Center webpages.
You may wish to have our banner(s) on your site which will link them to The Great Speaking Center Page (this is the most common method). When you join, we supply you with a selection of banners to choose from that are customized for the type of visitors you get at your site.
3. After you apply, you will receive email notification of our approval, and instructions on how to link to us, (usually within a few minutes). Then you can immediately start displaying the link(s) to The Great Speaking Center on your website.
4. Connect to The Great Speaking Center: When you apply to participate, we send you an email response which includes the proper format for linking to our site. You may have only one link from your site to ours, or you may decide to have multiple links. Remember: The more exposure you give to the links the more money you can make.
5. Start earning referral fees: Once your application has been approved, you'll automatically begin earning referral fees for sales generated by these links. You'll receive monthly referral fee checks (we pay out within 5 days after the month ends).
Any questions?
Here are some frequently asked questions.
Here's the complete text of our policy agreement for your review.
What do you have to lose?...try it for a few months and see what kind of referral fees you can earn. If you don't like the return, just remove the links to our site. It's that simple. But I am sure that the return will be well worth your while. You could turn out to be a top associate and make over $8000 a month in referral fees.
Join Now - Fill out our online application form.
Let's get started!