Sales Tips that Will Help You Double 
(or Even Triple) Your Referral Checks

The techniques on this page will help you get much larger referral fee checks from The Great Speaking Center. This is a long page, so go over it carefully and use the samples that apply to the type of people that visit your site. Picking the right links for your visitors can mean tons more money for you in referral fees. 

Skim the entire page first. There are all kinds of samples for all types of visitors to your website AND there are different length samples too.

 I CAN'T EMPHASIZE THIS POINT ENOUGH. You must pick samples that match the type of visitor you get. In other words don't put a link that says "ATTENTION TOASTMASTERS" on your site, if you primarily get people interested in home based businesses. Even though some of the visitors will be Toastmasters, most won't, and most won't click through your link and you won't get many sales.


If you know us or have a copy of the Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System, a personal recommendation about The Great Speaking Center will gain up to 400% more clicks than just a link (that means you triple or quadruple your referral fees!) If you know us, you know how powerful the system is and that we should be charging a lot more for it . . .so you can give it your personal recommendation. Using this method can create huge profits for you and you'll feel great knowing you are recommending a product that has fantastic information and is truly worth every penny. It is a WIN-WIN situation for everyone! It can make you a lot of money (and your visitors will be very happy they got the system .. .It is that good!)

To triple and even quadruple (yes, I said quadruple) your referral fees almost overnight, just give MORE exposure to the Great Speaking Center links WITH a personal recommendation. What I mean is that in every instance where it is appropriate in your site, have a link or recommendation to the Great Speaking Center site.

You could have a link on your main index page. Here are some examples depending on the nature of the people that visit your site:

IMPORTANT NOTE: In all the samples use the appropriate URL for that example. It will always start like the URL below. After the your associate number (represented by the XXXXXX) will be the page the link goes to at the Great Speaking Center.   

The URL is: from great speaking center goes here)

"XXXXXX "is where you put your associate number. Delete the "XXXXXX" and put in your associate number.

Sample For Business Opportunity Seekers

"If you would like to learn about a fantastic business that pays you for your business knowledge and life experiences, we highly recommend The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, an accomplished international speaker and speaker coach, reveals all the tips, tricks and techniques that earn you high fees in the speaking industry. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"For tips on turning your business knowledge and life experiences into cash, check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Two Samples for Home Based Businesspersons
(home based also goes to the "speak4moneysystem" page)

"If you would like to learn about a fantastic home based business that pays you for your business knowledge and life experiences, we highly recommend The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, an accomplished international speaker and speaker coach (who has worked out of his home for 23 years), reveals all the tips, tricks and techniques that earn you high fees in the speaking industry. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Home based business teaches you how to turn your business knowledge and life experiences into cash, check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

(For people who already work from home)
"Want to add a fantastic new revenue source to your home based business? This revenue source pays you for your business knowledge and life experiences.  We highly recommend The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, an accomplished international speaker and speaker coach (who has worked out of his home for 23 years), reveals all the tips, tricks and techniques that earn you high fees in the lucrative speaking industry. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Add revenue to your home based business by turning your business knowledge and life experiences into cash, check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Sample For Professional Speakers

"If you want to take your speaking career to the next level, we highly recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, a man who has trained thousands of professional speakers reveals all his advanced tips, tricks and techniques that make you stand far above the crowd in both speaking and speaker marketing skills. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Take your speaking career to the next level, check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Two Samples For Trainers

"If you want to really increase your speaking and training skills, we highly recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, a man who has trained thousands of professional trainers and speakers reveals all his advanced tips, tricks and techniques that make your training sessions stand out far above the crowd. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Rapidly increase your training skills. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

"If you want to turn your speaking and training skills, into highly paid educational seminars and keynote speeches, we really recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, a man who has trained thousands of professional trainers and speakers reveals all his advanced tips, tricks and techniques that earn you high fees in the paid speaking marketplace. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Turn your training skills into cash. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Sample for Toastmasters

"TOASTMASTERS -- If you want to turn your speaking skills, into highly paid educational seminars and keynote speeches, we recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, a man who has trained thousands of professional trainers and speakers reveals all his advanced tips, tricks and techniques that earn you high fees as a paid professional speaker. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Turn your speaking skills into cash. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Sample for Salespersons

"If you want to turn your sales skills into cash, we highly recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, an accomplished international speaker and speaker coach, reveals all the tips, tricks and techniques that earn you high fees in the speaking industry. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Turn your sales skills into cash. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Sample for Multi Level Marketers (MLM)

"If you want to recruit more people the next time you speak, we highly recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, an accomplished international speaker and speaker coach, reveals all the tips, tricks and techniques that professional speakers use to move people to action. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Improve your recruiting skills. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

Sample for People Only Interested in Improving Their Speaking Skills
(not making money with speaking) 

"If you want to really increase your speaking skills so that you WOW your colleagues every time you present, we highly recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at construction) Tom Antion, a man who has trained thousands of businesspeople reveals all his advanced tips, tricks and techniques that will make you the hit of your next meeting. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"WOW your colleagues every time you present. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

(For Teachers)
 "If you are sick and tired of students yawning through your classes, we highly recommend that you visit The Great Speaking Center at Tom Antion, a man who has trained thousands of presenters in Wake 'em Up teaching techniques reveals all his advanced tips, tricks and techniques that will make your students stand in line to sign up for your class. It is a great resource."

(Shorter Version)
"Wake up your students!. Check out I recommend the site highly. Lots of great tips and tricks."

In all the examples above it is the personal recommendation that will alone "triple your sales." Remember: The longer the recommendation, the better it will pull. If you took out all the banners and replaced them with little text paragraphs like you saw above, the click-through rates would skyrocket and so would your sales.

Longer Recommendations

Here are some longer versions of recommendations that you can put on your website. Put your name on them and don't forget to put your associate number where you see the "XXXXXX."

Longer Sample For Business Opportunity Seekers

"Tom Antion is the real thing. His Great Speaking Center has tips and techniques that are excellent for turning business expertise and life experience into cash money. It's the best speaking site I've ever seen. I highly endorse it."
Dottie Walters, Co-Author, Speak & Grow Rich

 The author of this site, Tom Antion is a fantastic speaker himself and one of the top speaker coaches in the country. So listen to what he has to say because he knows what he is talking about when it comes to turning your business knowledge and life experiences into highly paid speaking engagements. He reveals all his unconventional speaking and speaker marketing tips with examples so you can learn how to make money fast in the lucrative speaking and training marketplace. Click here to go to Tom's web site now 

Different Strokes for Different Folks
You could even use a different recommendation on different parts of your website. Let's say your website has multiple sub-pages that attract different types of visitors. You might have a special page for Multi Level Marketers (MLM). On that page you could use the sample above for MLM with the "MLM" link. Another area of your site might concentrate on home based business with the "speak4moneysystem" link. On that page you would use the home based business sample banner or text.

Your personal recommendation can be short or long, depending on where it is going and what is most appropriate for your site. Using a personal recommendation  will dramatically increase your click thru rate and sales.

Feature Article / Special Edition / Website Page

Here's a longer sample that you could send out in a special edition of your newsletter or use as a feature article in a newsletter. 

Feature Article -- A personal referral!

The reason for this article is that I want to tell you about a business associate that I have known for the last year. His name is Tom Antion. Tom is a very successful, speaker and speaker coach. I have used Tom's training materials and services and have found them to be very helpful to my career.

Tom specializes in unique promotional and performance techniques to promote his speaking business. I have used them too  . . . and they work!

If you want to learn all types of ways to be great when you are giving a presentation, you might want to view his web site...He also has the greatest tips I've ever seen for promoting a speaking business and getting your fee up rapidly.

Tom really knows what he is talking about. He used to speak and entertain for $75.00 a gig. He's now charging $6500 per keynote and $7500 per day . . . and he's not even a celebrity.

Tom reveals all his tips and tricks for being great and making lots of money in the speaking business. He discusses everything you ever wanted to know about advanced speaking techniques that get you rave reviews. He also shows you step-by-step how to use extremely cool marketing tips to get speaking clients to call you. Tom does no cold calling. Plus he reveals the most unique ways to get higher fees every time you speak. 

You can visit his Great Speaking Center website by clicking this link:

Check it out, there is lots of information and tips.
You will be very impressed. I cannot recommend it
enough... this guy is the "real" thing. He has helped me tremendously so listen to what he has to say carefully. He knows
what he is talking about (one of the very few on the Internet that does). 

(Your name and title goes here)

You could even make a page on your website for this article. You would use a short blurb on your main page to get your visitors to go to this feature article page. You could say something like this on your main page:

Want to hear about a colleague of mine who helped me tremendously achieve success in the speaking business? Click Here

The "Click Here" would link the visitor to the webpage you set up to hold the longer article. The longer article would be the one that links to the Great Speaking Center. This is a two step process, but very effective.

Putting a longer personal referral article like this out could generate more sales for you in a few days than you might make in a whole month with passive links. You could send this out to your email newsletter list and/or post it on your website as I just described.

NOTE: You should notice that in the recommendations there is no mention that we sell a course. It just talks about all the great tips and techniques we have for being a great speaker and making money in the speaking business. The concept is that you want to get them to visit the site, get them reading the sales letter with a few tips . . .and then when they read about all the information that is available and how great it is, they are hooked and buy (this technique works very well!). Let the sales letter do all the work, just get them to click through the link to the site by mentioning how this is a "real" person that knows how to make money in the speaking business (or say whatever is appropriate for your visitors). Tell them that this guy knows what he is talking about and that he reveals all his secrets. That is what pulls in the visitors and most importantly the buyers.

On a side note, if you do not have a copy of the Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System and know how great it is here's another testimonial that just arrived not too long ago (we get emails like these all the time) so you can see what people are saying about the system. Don't forget when you order through your own link, you get the $79.40 referral fee back as a discount when you get your referral fee check.

"Some speakers need polish in our presentation skills, others need polish in marketing skills. Tom's program does an awesome job of doing both. Take a chance on these materials and you will gain something worthwhile -- maybe lots of things!" 

Rod Jurado, Managing Director, The Profitable Group


If you have a newsletter, Ezine, or a customer email/database list, it can be a very powerful way to promote The Great Speaking Center. This is a way to really make big referral fees.

You also want to consider using any lead lists you have compiled from ads you have run or adding a link / recommendation to us on any autoresponders you may have. You can even use us in your signature line when you post to email discussion lists, forums and newsgroups (but remember --  NO SPAM)

Sample letters for your customer database:

"Thank you for purchasing (insert your product here) not too long ago. We appreciate your business. I am emailing you for two reasons. The first is to thank you for your business and the second is to mention something that we thought would be of interest to you . . ." (at this point you put in the appropriate recommendation from above depending on the type of customer you have)

Or, if you have a guest list of a free service you offer on your website, you could say:

"Thank you for visiting our site and using our Free (insert your free service here). I am emailing you for two reasons. The first is to thank you for stopping by and the second is to mention something that we thought would be of interest to you . . ." (again, at this point you put in the appropriate recommendation from above depending on the type of visitor you have)

If you have a an electronic newsletter or Electronic Magazine (Ezine)

You could say that you are emailing your readers separately from the regular Ezine because you have found something on the net that is worth mentioning and wanted to bring it to their attention. (Then insert a recommendation like the one above) This approach will, by far, pull in the best response, because it is a personal note separate from the standard newsletter and it will demand attention and urgency.

If you use autoresponders
For those of you that don't know, an autoresponder automatically sends your message in response to an email sent to it. For example: if you send an email to you will automatically get instructions emailed back to you giving you the complete instructions for us to trade website links. If you send an email to you get an automated reply giving you the rates and details to sponsor an ad in The Great Speaking Ezine. All of this happens behind the scenes so that I don't have to send out all of these emails personally. This saves me tons of time.  You might check with the hosting service for your website. Many times they provide FREE autoresponders as part of your hosting fee. Mine provides 10 FREE autoresponders for the basic fee and I think I have 30 now because I have an advanced package with them.

Autoresponders are great for allowing people to get your articles and all kinds of information from you without your direct input. You set it up once and they can access the information anytime.

So how can autoresponders help you sell?

You can put your short recommendations in along with the information that is going out on the autoresponder. Some people get 2 or 300 requests a day for free things like articles, newsletters, tip sheets etc. You can make a fortune, just by sending a personal recommendation and link along with each automatic response. All you have to do is take a minute to add the recommendation and link to your materials and it goes out automatically around the clock day in and day out, year in and year out with no other work on your part. (Don't you love to make money while you are sleeping?)


If you have occasion to speak in front of groups, many times you can find an appropriate time to mention our site. The most effective way is to tell the audience the benefits to them of visiting The Great Speaking Center . . .  (speaking skills help their career, they can make money speaking, etc.)  and then write the link on a flipchart, overhead, or put it in a PowerPoint slide. Give the audience a chance to write it down. Not only is this a "personal recommendation, it was actually done "in person" which makes an even greater impact than emailing it to them.

Handout materials
To piggyback on tip # 3 above, make sure you put your recommendation and link in your handout materials if you use them (and most of the time you should). This way there is no chance that the link will be copied down incorrectly.

SALES Tip #  4

Print up a an inexpensive insert to put in the package whenever you ship a product to one of your customers. This is an extremely effective way to put your personal recommendation in front of people who already are buying from you. It could be part of a "Thank You" note for purchasing. You could say something like::

"Thanks so much for purchasing our new and improved widget. Since we always like to give extra value to our customers we recommend you visit a fantastic site we discovered on the Internet that will really improve your communication skills . . . " (then put an appropriate blurb about The Great Speaking Center and the link.)

You don't have to use the exact thank you note above, but it's a good way to lead in to your personal recommendation. And the best part is, this only costs you pennies. The customer has already purchased and probably paid the shipping, so it's a much better deal than doing a separate mailing that, comparatively, would cost a fortune.


If you have a newsletter or Ezine, trade ads with other newsletter or Ezine publishers, or better yet, trade article space. Many times the classified ads are never even seen by people because they mentally tune them out as they read through a newsletter. Articles, however, get a much higher attention level and they also give you more space to make your recommendation. Don't get me wrong. If someone wants to trade ads, go for it. You have nothing much to lose, but if you get a chance at article space, take it first.

You might want to write several different articles. Some newsletters will want higher content and not much of a pitch and others don't care how blatant you pitch their readers. Have several articles ready to go if you plan on using this idea and let the newsletter publishers pick which one they like. Send them the conservative one first so you don't scare them off from making a deal.


You can also have a webpage on your site that re-prints an interesting interview with me. This interview can get people really excited about starting a speaking business or improving their speaking skills. It talks about how I got started and all the costly mistakes I made and all the great successes too. You can go to to view the webpage. Just copy the interview onto your webpage and put our link with your associate number at the bottom.

NOTE: If you decide to use this interview make sure you still have other recommendations and banners at appropriate places on your site. The interview page should be an "addition" to your promotions for the link to The Great Speaking Center, not a replacement of the current links you have to us.


We do not condone unsolicited bulk emailing or spamming of newsgroups with The Great Speaking Center links that you were assigned. It is becoming less and less effective and we are not with an ISP that will tolerate this. If you send unsolicited bulk email to email addresses you have bought or harvested, you will be in violation of your associate policy agreement and your associate status will be immediately terminated and all referral fees owed to you for that month will be forfeited and become the property of The Great Speaking Center.

However, feel free to email your past customer database, lead lists, subscriber list (if you have a newsletter), etc.

Implementing the tips on this page could make you a fortune in referral fees. We are always here to help you. For more info on The Great Speaking Center Associate Program visit 

Thanks and good luck!

Tom Antion