How to Sell a Ton
at the Back of the Room

(120 minute
2 CD set plus FREE Immediately Downloadable Transcript)
Speakers, Trainers, Authors, Coaches and Consultants need to hear
this recorded two hour Teleclass.
Most speakers
make more from their product sales than from their speaking fees.
Tom Antion is an expert at selling at the back of the room. Just
a few months ago he sold over $245,000.00 worth of products and services
in one 90 minute speech with only 500 people in the audience. And he
regularly sells $30-60K when speaking to most medium sized groups
You will learn:
=> The psychological process you must employ to get people
to want to buy your stuff. -- You must push their emotional buttons
to get them to pull their wallets out.
=> How to sell when you aren't allowed to sell and not get in
trouble for it -- this is the coolest technique you ever heard
=> How to surprise the audience with something they've never
seen before -- you'll be so unique they'll just have to have you
=> A professional trick of the trade to have other speakers on
the program talking about you -- your credibility (and sales)
will skyrocket when you use this technique.
=> How to create a "table rush" -- There are techniques to
making people RUN to buy your stuff -- anyone can do this.
=> How to build your own credibility through the back door
-- Do it right and people will be afraid to buy stuff from anyone but
=> 5 ways to increase your likability factor -- ignore
this and
cut 50% or more off your sales.
=> The jerk factor -- if you have a lousy personality you
still sell a ton at the back of the room.
=> The exclusive isolation technique for big ticket sales
-- this
one can triple your money total for the day in 15 minutes.
AND . . .
. . . like any Tom Antion seminar, you'll get much, much, more!
Here's a special note:
Even if you only speak a
little this information could mean $100,000.00 or more to your bottom
line in a year's time.
The raw transcripts as an immediately downloadable pdf
file. You'll be on your way to large back of room product sales
every time you speak.
$97.00 plus s&h
Click here and watch your back of room sales go through the roof
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