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Audio CDs about TV, Video
and other stuff  
How to Make Video Landing Pages
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Mike Stewart AKA the Internet Audio Guy and Tom Antion
tell you all about using video when people hit your site to grab
attention and deliver your message to people who don't want to read.
More info
Click here to WoW 'em with Video

How to Star in Your Own Infomercial
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Jeff Hockings has made a fortune using low budget infomercials
running on leased access cable TV. See a sample at
http://www.KickStartVideos.com .
Learn how: How you can run a half hour show on major leased access
networks for as little as $15.00 for a half hour. . ..and sometimes you
can run it for zero bucks. * How Jeff made himself a celebrity running
the shows constantly in his home market. * How I am structuring my show
in an alternative way to make a fortune in affiliate commissions. . . my
infomercial is designed to run on autopilot
bringing in money from lots of different affiliate programs so someone
else has to service the customers. * PLUS fees for my personal attention
and speaking engagements will go way up because of my increased
celebrity status.
Click here to make yourself a TV Star
How to Make a Fortune with Video . . . Even if you don't have a website
Tom really lays it on you for more two hours with very detailed and
high content information on using video as a promotional tool and as a product.
Lots of samples and detailed content of what to buy, where to get it and how to
use it. You also get his raw production notes and lots of links to download
(142 minutes) $39.95
More Info
Click here to get videos to fill up your bank account

How to Start and Run a Super Profitable Mentor
You will be able to reach and help far more people and make a lot more
money helping others do what you know how to do.
(60 minutes) $39.95
Click here to start your mentor program

How to Make Money and Promote Yourself with Your Digital Camera
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You will learn: * How to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes when choosing a
digital camera . . . you'll never regret your purchase decision again. *
3 critical factors you must know about before you buy your next digital
camera . . . you'll know how to pick the right camera for you. * When
you bring out your old film camera . . . believe it or not it still has
value. * 5 things you can do immediately to improve the quality of your
photos . . . taking poor photos will never make you any money. You'll
know exactly what to do to take great shots. * The 5 important
camera accessories you need to make plain photos great . . . man does
not live by camera alone. A few extra gadgets will make your life easier
and your photos awesome. * 3 innovative ways to use your camera to get
more business . . . we bet you never thought of these. * How to share &
reproduce your photos for fun and profit and how speakers can use
digital photos.
Click here to start snapping pictures for money
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