Presentations Skills Tips, Speaking 4 Money, Speaking Business Referrals, Speaker
Marketing, Speaker Humor, Training, and other Public Speaking related Features. VOL. 1 Number 1 SUBSCRIBE and have your FREE copy of GREAT SPEAKING delivered to you via Email Publisher: Tom Antion © 1999 Anchor Publishing "No one ever lost credibility by being interesting." In this issue:
1. +++++ Quick Presentation Skills Tip +++++ Use humor in presentations to make yourself more likable. Humor is a great rapport
builder which knocks down audience resistance to your message. Make sure you space it
throughout your presentation. You will subconsciously or consciously be tagged as trite
and out of touch if you tell a joke at the beginning and then forget humor for the rest of
presentation. 2. +++++ Advanced Presentation Skills Article +++++ Heirloom Handouts If you want you handout material to be kept forever, you must give each audience member a reason to keep it. I do this by strategically adding important reference material to EACH PAGE of the handout. This material was picked specifically for that days audience. The reference items could be important phone numbers, web site addresses, book titles,
or even humor that applies to the audiences industry. The reason the information
isnt put on one page at the back of the handout is because that page could be torn
off and the rest of the handout thrown away. Dont forget to put your contact
information on every page of the handout. 3. +++++ Humor Technique +++++ (Part 1 of a 10 part series) Why use Humor? Why should I bother using humor in my presentations? Can't I just deliver my information and sit down? You sure can and that's what most people do. The problem is that most people are not effective presenters. They are nighty nite, snooze inducing, say your prayers, hit the sack, unlicensed hypnotists. They are ZZZZZs presenters. They might be experts in their field and be able to recite hours and hours of information on their topic, but is that effective? According to Bob Orben, Special Assistant to President Gerald Ford and Former Director of the White House Speech writing Department, "Business executives and political leaders have embraced humor because humor works. Humor has gone from being an admirable part of a leader's character to a mandatory one." A survey of top executives who earned more than $250,000 per year was conducted by a large executive search firm. The survey found that these executives believed their communication skills were the number one factor that carried them to the top. Mastering the use of humor and other high-explosion techniques puts a fine polish on your presentation skills. This can help propel you to the top of the speaking profession, or making you stand-out from your colleagues when you are doing a business presentation. There are many benefits you can derive from using humor in your presentations. Keep in mind that these benefits only help you reach your ultimate purpose for making the presentation. They are not purposes themselves unless, of course, you are only interested in entertaining. Using humor does the following for you:
Next issue learn techniques to deliver your talk without notes. +++++++++++++++AD++++++++++++++ Be the hit of your next presentation. Wake em
Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business
Presentations 4. $$$$$$$ Speaker Marketing Tip $$$$$$$ I credit this tip to professional speaker Jeff Slutsky. RAISE YOUR FEE AND GIVE AWAY YOUR PRODUCTS I started using this tip the moment my latest book came off the presses, but you can use any kind of product to make it work. Heres how it works. You always want to add extra value for the people hiring you as their speaker. Lets say you give the meeting organizer100 books or audio tapes when he or she hires you to speak. The products can be given away to the audience members, or sold at the event to help defray the cost of your appearance. This technique also makes you more attractive to speakers bureaus because your fee is higher. If you create the products yourself and keep the unit cost low, you still come out ahead after paying for the product and the speakers bureau commission. AND the client gets added value too. Everyone wins and thats what keeps us working. 5. +++++ Speaker Humor +++++
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