The Speaker
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Internet Marketing CDs
Management: How to Build and Protect a Great Reputation Online
This information is
only for those interested in building a massive reputation on
the web while reducing the chance that unfair negative attacks
will have much impact.
Click here for more details
Increase Your Website Sales: 27 Ways to
Get 'em to Buy
Play Sample
I've been selling on the commercial Internet continuously for 15
years. In that time I've sold millions of dollars of products and
services through many different kinds of promotions.
In this powerpacked teleclass I'm going to condense those 15 years
into a hard core 1 hour + training session to teach you the exact
same techniques you can use over and over to sell like a maniac
Click here to really ramp up your web sales
How to Operate a Retreat Center Out of
Your Home
Play Sample
I have found a unique way to 1. Buy a bigger home
than you could normally afford and have other people pay your
mortgage 2. Make things like swimming pools, tennis
courts, home theaters, hot tubs, putting greens, gardens, food,
interior and exterior home design, gorgeous kitchens, bathrooms,
bedrooms, libraries and tons of other things legitimately tax
This is not just some hocus pocus hyped-up marketing idea I dreamed
up in my sleep after eating too much chili late at night . . . this
is something I have actually done for the past seven
years at the Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center in Virginia
Beach, VA
Click here to make money and live in style
How to Get High Google Rankings with
Video (CD)
Play Sample
The possibility of dominating a search engine with all your sites
went out the window over 10 years ago . . . UNTIL NOW. This CD
teaches you how to use short videos on over 50 free video hosting
sites to dominate the search results on your keywords. Tom covers
every trick in the book to help you get your websites listed
extremely high in Google by using these simple videos.
Click here to start dominating the search engines
How to Make Video Landing Pages
with Mike Stewart and Tom Antion
Play Sample
Mike Stewart, AKA The Internet Audio/Video Guy and Tom Antion
discuss the how's and why's of using short videos to attract
prospects and customers like magnets. With the short attention spans
of web visitors today you need to do everything you can to catch
their attention. This CD shows you how simple to create videos will
do that for you.
You'll also get an immediately downloadable PDF file that will give
you 8 example videos to get you started while you wait for the CD to
Click here to learn to use short videos
Improve your website: 60 Tips in 60
Play Sample
In this recording I cover a ton of immediately
usable ideas to make your website make money instead of eat money.
You'll be busy making changes 5 minutes after hearing this CD.
Click here to tune up your site
How to Create Quality Products Out of Nothing
Play Sample
This CD is guaranteed to get
your creative juices flowing to help you become a "product machine".
I currently have about 65 CDs and CD albums, 3 DVD sets, 17 ebooks,
60 MP3 Files, 300 short videos sold on a membership site, 3 Books,
and several systems and combos of products.
This is only a small part of my overall speaking, and mentoring
business. But it's nice to know that I could quit everything else
I'm doing and simply sell these products online with very little
customer interaction. I could have this money coming in whether I
worked or not.
More info
Click here to get hundreds of product ideas

How to Earn Super Large Passive Incomes Using Residual Affiliate
Play Sample
I currently get about $350,000.00 a year from residual affiliate
programs. This is only a small part of my overall business, but it's
nice to know that I could quit everything else I'm doing and
I would have this money coming in whether I worked or not.
More info
Click here to get a truly passive income
CD is FREE with any Internet
Marketing Related Purchase
How to Pick a Shopping Cart System That
Makes You Money
Play Sample
If you have a shopping cart already, it is most likely a piece of
junk you got for free. Or, you paid some ridiculous amount of money
for custom programming and the thing still won't do the things you
need to make you lots of extra money. This CD will tell you what you
need to know about your shopping cart and what it should be doing
for you. Good systems do more than simply collect the money in real
time and deposit it into your checking account. Professional
shopping cart systems should sell more for you automatically, handle
customer service automatically and send personalized emails and
much, much, more. This CD will tell you what you need to know to
make lots more money on the Internet.
FREE with any Internet
Marketing Related Purchase (You don't
have to do anything. We'll put the CD in with your package)
if this is the only product you want, just pay shipping and handling
Click here to make your shopping cart sell for you
Internet Revenue Streams . . . 9 Ways to bring in bucks
on the Web
Tom reveals the many different low cost / no cost ways you can
generate income on the Internet. You also get his raw production notes to
download immediately.
(72 minutes) $29.95
Click here to learn 9 ways to make money online
Web Site Linking Strategies
Play Sample
What you don't know about linking could kill your website. Note: The rules
have changed and your webmaster probably doesn't know it. The rules change on
the Internet and to be quite frank about it, many of the changes wouldn't hurt
or help the small business website owner too much. The changes with regard to
linking websites together don't fall into this insignificant category.
Links that a few months ago were just fine could now get you banned permanently
from search engines because they are now called "link schemes". Any kind of link
manipulation is frowned upon by search engines and proper linking is now,
without question, the most important part of any online website marketing
strategy. Tom gives you a revealing, insider's look at just what it takes to not
only keep from getting banned, but how to push your website toward the top of
the search engines.
Click here to learn how to fix your links

(2 CDs)
If you know the right technique you can capitalize on niche Internet
topics that can bring you big cash flow each month with an extremely
cheap one-page website. Tom will show you how to identify topics, make
the simple site and even how to get someone else to write the book for
you. Tom's one-page sites bring in from $35,000.00 -$43,000.00 per year.
(120 minutes) $39.95
More info
Click here to learn how to make fast cash flow websites

Weblogging For Fun and Profit: How to Start a Blog to
Promote Your Business and Your Agenda
In this teleseminar recording Tom gives you all the information you need to
start your own blog for free, call in audio postings from your cell phone or
office phone, and how to completely bypass the email system to get your message
through. You also get an immediate resource email with 49 must have links that
will get you started while you are waiting for your CD to arrive. (74 minutes)
Click here to order

Blog to Book: How to Write Your Book in 90
Days or Less
With the Blog Squad
Play Sample
You'll never have to worry about writer's block again. You'll also never
have to feel like your book is an enormous project that is just too
tough to handle. By using a categorized blog you'll have your book
written in no time flat.
Click here to get your book going immediately
How to Get Enormous Amounts of Online
Publicity Guru Alex Carroll interviews Tom Antion as he explores the
ways you can use the web to gain massive amounts of publicity for
yourself and your business.
2 CD Set (120 Minutes)
Click here to become famous online

How to Run Your Own Successful Internet Radio
Martin Wales gives you a primer on what it takes to do your Internet
Radio Show and how to become a celebrity in your niche.
$19.95 (63 Minutes)
Click here to learn how to start your show

How to Use Short Articles (That you
didn’t even write yourself) To Sell tons of
Products and Services and Create a Totally Passive Income Stream
Whether you like to write or not you can make a fortune using
short articles in your business. If you don’t have a business yet, this
is one of the least complicated and easiest ways to get started.
More info
Click here to make articles work for you

Ebay: The Real Truth of making a fortune
Tom interviews Adam Ginsberg a Titanium Power Seller on ebay (this
is Ebay's highest sales category). Adam reveals many of the secrets he
uses everyday to pull in the bucks with almost total automation and very
little risk.
Click here to get started on ebay

How to Start and Run a Super Profitable Mentor
You will be able to reach and help far more people and make a lot more
money helping others do what you know how to do.
(60 minutes) $39.95
Click here to start your mentor program

How to Create a Kick Butt Electronic Magazine
Play Sample
Ezines are not dead, savvy marketers are still using them to
reach and connect with prospects. Tom (and most marketers that know how
to make money) is still using a plain text ezine to get through the spam
filters and reach the most people possible. This CD shows you how to do
Click here to start publishing right away

CD Album
Camp CDs
(15 CD Album - 14.5 Hours)
Two full days with
You will learn the simple, non-technical techniques Tom has used to
become an Internet multimillionaire. These techniques have been taught
to thousands of other small businesspeople to help them make their
online operations thrive.
More info
Click here to get a massive Internet education

Advanced Butt Camp CDs
(4 CD Album - 270 minutes)
This is the first time Tom has bared all and told all his advanced
tricks, techniques and super sneaky (yet ethical) ways he has become
an Internet multimillionaire. You should be making money already on
the web before you buy this album.
More Info
Click here to order
Butt Camp CD

(multimedia training CD on Internet Marketing)
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