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How to Sell a Ton at the Back of the Room
Tom gives all the nitty gritty details of how he regularly outsells super
big name speakers and it's not uncommon for him to come home with $30,000
to $60,000 dollars in sales and on bigger events over $200,000.00. This downloadable transcript will give you the exact,
easy-to-follow plan that will help you skyrocket your sales 32 pages
$59.97 (worth millions over the course of your career)
More info
Click here to start selling a ton every time you speak
CEU Secrets Revealed: How to Sell Your
Knowledge for Big Bucks in the Continuing Education Market
This transcript is guaranteed to give you the tools to open up new and
extremely lucrative revenue streams in your chosen niche. In the
transcript I chat with Doug Bench, a former judge who after he retired
from law started doing continuing education classes for Florida
homebuilders. He's bringing in over 7 figures in revenue each year and
knows all the ins and outs of selling your knowledge as CEU credits both
online and off.
More info
Click here to sell your knowledge in the lucrative CEU market
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