The Speaker
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Publishing CDs
How to Create Quality Products Out
of Nothing
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This CD is guaranteed to get
your creative juices flowing to help you become a "product machine".
I currently have about 65 CDs and CD albums, 3 DVD sets, 17 ebooks,
60 MP3 Files, 300 short videos sold on a membership site, 3 Books,
and several systems and combos of products.
This is only a small part of my overall speaking, and mentoring
business. But it's nice to know that I could quit everything else
I'm doing and simply sell these products online with very little
customer interaction. I could have this money coming in whether I
worked or not.
More info
Click here to order

How to Create Audio Ebooks and Sales
Play Sample
Using sound on the web has never been cheaper or easier. PLUS you'll
grab all those customers who hate to read off a computer monitor.
Click here to order

9 Ways to Build Your Business by Publishing a
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'Watch' Your Business Grow Like Never Before As a Published Author.
You will learn: 9 completely separate ways to grow your speaking
business by publishing a book...the pro's and con's of
self-publishing...the pro's and con's of traditional publishing...the
pro's and con's of print-on-demand publishing...how to determine which
model is best for you...top 10 publishing mistakes made by authors and
how to avoid them. ADAM WITTY is a renowned entrepreneur and publisher,
having worked with dozens of professional speakers authors in the
publishing of their books.
Click here to get your book done fast

Blog to Book: How to Write Your Book in 90
Days or Less
With the Blog Squad
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You'll never have to worry about writer's block again. You'll also never
have to feel like your book is an enormous project that is just too
tough to handle. By using a categorized blog you'll have your book
written in no time flat.
More info
Click here to get your book going immediately

(2 CDs)
How to Create, Distribute and Sell Products
In this two CD set Tom tells you all the tricks of the trade to create
digital products, physical products and all kinds of high-dollar
coaching, mentoring and retreat products.
(120 minutes) $39.95
Click here to become a product machine

(Web Logging (Blogging) for Fun and Profit
In this teleseminar recording Tom gives you all the information you need to
start your own blog for free, call in audio postings from your cell phone or
office phone, and how to completely bypass the email system to get your message
through. You also get an immediate resource email with 49 must have links that
will get you started while you are waiting for your CD to arrive. You'll learn how to
start a blog (Weblog) to promote your business
and your agenda. (74 minutes)
Click here to start or improve your blog

How to Use Short Articles (That you
didn’t even write yourself) To Sell tons of
Products and Services and Create a Totally Passive Income Stream
Whether you like to write or not you can make a fortune using
short articles in your business. If you don’t have a business yet, this
is one of the least complicated and easiest ways to get started.
More info
Click here to make articles work for you

New Breed Speaker: How to Become an Infopreneur
Tom Antion teaches you how to become a product machine which can
quadruple your income as a speaker.
$29.95 (62 Minutes)
Click here to become an infopreneur

Dropkick Your Self-Publishing Fears: How to
Create and Distribute E-books
E-books are 97% profit and sell like hotcakes directly off your shopping
cart so you don't have to print them, warehouse them or deliver them.
This CD tells you how.
$29.95 (60 Minutes)
Click here to self publish digital products

How to Create a Kick Butt Electronic Magazine
Play Sample
Ezines are not dead, savvy marketers are still using them to
reach and connect with prospects. Tom (and most marketers that know how
to make money) is still using a plain text ezine to get through the spam
filters and reach the most people possible. This CD shows you how to do
Click here to start publishing right away
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